Summer Experience, a five-week program coupling STEM oriented internships with academic enrichment, college preparation and professional development is underway. All students brush up and master foundational math and language arts. Rising high school seniors prep for the college search and application process and rising college freshmen focus on college bridge with college-level writing, self-care, and understanding campus resources. During the remaining three weeks, students are immersed in an internship, experiencing firsthand professional expectations and career options.
The Boeing High School Business Case Competition 2024 challenged students with innovative and creative problem-solving. Boeing Black Employees Association members volunteered daily to guide and mentor our students as they conducted research, developed their business case, wrote an Executive Summary, and prepared a compelling presentation responding to the future of Urban Air Mobility. Congratulations to Team 1 and BEAA mentor Victoria for the third place award! The research, writing, presentation, and collaboration skills gained through this experience will undoubtedly contribute to students’ college and career success.
What makes Summer Experience more consequential and engaging? VOLUNTEERS! Math enrichment tutors prepared and taught lessons while engaging in small group practice to solidify understanding. Community partners led professional development sessions in financial literacy, public speaking, professional presentation, workplace dynamics, and mental health awareness. Students benefitted immensely from engaging in professional role-playing, understanding and crafting effective presentations, honing communication skills, and gaining insights into financial understanding and budgeting during college. A heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers who made Summer Experience a dynamic, interactive, and enriching program!